Twitter Reactions To Credit Karma's Credit Scores
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Twitter Reactions To Credit Karma's Credit Scores

Dec 16, 2023

Plus how to find your FICO score, aka the credit score that matters most.

Personal Finance Editor

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FYI, your credit reports are held by the three credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Your credit scores (yes, you have way more than one) are calculated using different scoring models and based on information contained in your credit reports. And your credit scores matter because lenders use them to determine if they'll lend to you and the interest rates you'll pay if they do.

Both VantageScore and FICO are just types of scoring models. And not to get too technical here, but there are also different versions of VantageScores and FICO scores (that use different algorithms), any of which may be pulled by lenders depending on the kind of loan you're applying for. But the TL;DR of it is that the credit score you see on Credit Karma is most likely not what a lender will check when you apply for credit. That's not to say it's never used in any situation — it might be — it's just way less probable.

BTW, if you're still not really sure what all this credit stuff means, check out our handy guide to credit scores.

checking your credit score on credit karma is like checking your symptoms on webmd.

Credit Karma says Lender: Ma’am my score is 780 its 525.

You mean to tell my my 700 credit karma score might be 500

After the dealership tell you ur credit score is 350 when Credit Karma said it was 800

When the mortgage company shows you your real credit score vs what you printed off credit karma

Me seeing my credit score on Credit Karma vs. when I find out the real score at the car dealership

Credit Karma is the friend that always compliments you no matter how ugly you are. It's appreciated but sometimes we need the truth. Lol

Me waiting for my approval for a car after looking on credit Karma:The Dealership:

Credit karma: then I told her her credit was 849

Lenders when you tell them you have an 800 on Credit Karma:

Credit Karma users right now:

me reading these Credit Karma tweets

Credit Karma doesn't reflect your actual credit score and they kinda tell you this. Actually trust Experian, and your FICO 8 score. Those are the ones that count.

On Experian, you can check the most widely used version of your FICO Score (based on your Experian credit report) any time for free just by signing up for an account. If you're concerned about your credit and want to monitor your FICO scores from Equifax and TransUnion too, Experian also has a paid option that lets you keep an eye on all three.

Credit Karma: "your credit score went up!"Experian:

Credit Karma seeing why they’re trending: