Is Your Vase Making Your Flowers Look Bad? And 4 Other Common Bouquet Blunders to Avoid
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Is Your Vase Making Your Flowers Look Bad? And 4 Other Common Bouquet Blunders to Avoid

Mar 29, 2023


(2 min)

TEMPTING BLOOMS are everywhere this time of year, but if you want to create a truly swoon-worthy display, you can't just pluck a fistful of tulips from a bucket at the store and stick them in a vase. Kiara Hancock, a floral designer in Tacoma, Wash., suggests at-home arrangers take inspiration from outside: "Look at a garden—some bits stand out, some stems are tucked below, nothing is the same height or shape—and build bouquets the same way." Here, she and other pros elaborate on the blunders that often derail amateurs, and how to avoid them.

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