New pedestal at 99 Steps in Shamokin to contain sculpture honoring past industries
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New pedestal at 99 Steps in Shamokin to contain sculpture honoring past industries

Oct 02, 2023

Al Bressi, an employee of Brian G. Persing Masonry Co., works on a new pedestal recognizing contributors to the 99 Steps project, in Shamokin, on Wednesday. The pedestal also will hold a sculpture honoring industries of the past.

SHAMOKIN — The 99 Steps at Lincoln and Liberty streets will be further enhanced with the addition of brick pedestal containing a sculpture recognizing the community's heritage and personalized pavers naming contributors of the project.

The refurbished steps connecting downtown to Academy Hill were dedicated April 21, 2021, during a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by dignitaries, business people, citizens, The 1994 Charles B. Degenstein Foundation and Step Up Shamokin Committee, which spearheaded the project.

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Larry Deklinski can be reached at 570-644-6397, ext. 1353, or [email protected].

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